Hormone Pellet Implant Therapy in Yuma
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can be an effective way to treat hormone imbalance in men and women. Bio-identical hormones are derived from plant sources and are similar to the hormones produced in your endocrine glands. The most common hormone replacement therapy pellets include testosterone therapy and estrogen therapy.
by | Oct 30, 2023 | Article Sample
Medically reviewed by: Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C
Read this article on Elite MedSpa
Learn more about this convenient Hormone Replacement Therapy option now offered at Elite Medspa in Yuma, AZ.
What it is
Who’s a good candidate
Who shouldn’t have one
Symptom Relief
Is it right for me
Hormone Pellet Implants
A Quick Breakdown
Suitable For: Men and Women experiencing hormone imbalance
Treatment Benefits: Improved libido, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, mood, and more
Average Cost Per Treatment: Consultation fee: $150
Males: $849 every 6 months; Females: $399 every 4 months.
Discount: Club Elite members receive 10-15% off treatment
Number of Recommended Treatments: New pellets every 4-6 months
Treatment Time: 10-20 minutes (depending on number of pellets needed)
Recovery Time: No downtime; may need to make minor lifestyle modifications for 1 week
Symptom Relief: Typically takes up to 1 week to feel pellet benefits
How many pellets will I need
How much does it cost
What to expect
When will I feel results
Get started
What are Hormone Pellet Implants?
You may have heard of “pellets” or “hormone implants” and wondered what this hormone replacement therapy method entails and what these tic-tac sized pellets can do for you. Elite MedSpa is excited to offer Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Implants in Yuma with Nurse Practitioner Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C providing exceptional care to help you feel your best.
Often referred to as BHRT Pellets, Hormone Implants, HRT implants, or simply “pellets”, Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Implants are a form of hormone replacement therapy using artificial hormones that are similar to the hormones produced by your body, implanted beneath the surface of your skin via a small incision.
These hormones are condensed into a small pellet designed to release a set dosage of hormone over several months. The most commonly used bioidentical hormones are estradiol (estrogen) and testosterone.
According to Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C, Bioidentical hormone therapy “is a natural option to restore and optimize hormones in both males and females” experiencing symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, such as mood swings, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, and libido and can “help men and women who are not feeling exceptional every day.”
Who can benefit from Hormone Pellet Therapy?
Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C is passionate about helping you achieve optimal wellness and emphasizes the treatment goal with BHRT pellet therapy is “helping patients achieve results and improvement in symptoms that they have been trying to accomplish with depression medication, insomnia medication, and other failed treatments over the years.”
Who is not a good candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets?
It’s important to talk to your treatment provider about any possible contraindications to treatment, as you may still be a candidate for pellet therapy. You may not be a suitable candidate for BHRT Pellet Implant treatment at this time if you:
- are pregnant or breastfeeding
- have active hormone-dominant cancer
- have had a stroke or heart attack within the last year
- have blood clotting disorders
- have uncontrolled diabetes or certain autoimmune diseases that can cause delayed wound healing, including: HIV/AIDs, Lupus, Scleroderma
- have a history of keloid scars or delayed wound healing
What are the benefits of having hormone pellet therapy implants?
BHRT pellet implants are a convenient way to address symptoms related to hormonal changes. Compared to other treatment options, hormone pellets are the only method that allows a sustained and consistent dosage level throughout the day for up to 3-6 months.
You do not have to remember to apply a cream or take a pill each day if you choose BHRT pellet implants. Hormone pellet implant therapy is a fairly quick procedure that can be done with no downtime.
Symptom relief with hormone pellet implants:
BHRT Pellets can help relieve symptoms related to hormone changes in as little as one week after implant. The most common symptom improvements that FNP Johnson sees in her patients are:
- improved mood
- reduced fatigue
- improved brain fog
- improved libido
- reduced insomnia

“These are the most common symptoms that patients report improvement in. With our testosterone replacement specifically, we can see benefits including: increased muscle mass, improvement in bone density, decrease in body fat, and we’ve seen some improvement in chronic pain as well.” For clients receiving estrogen therapy, also known as estradiol hormone replacement, it “tends to help more with hot flashes, can help with insomnia as well, fatigue is a big one…it really depends on what symptoms you are having” explains Nurse Practitioner Johnson.
But Honestly…
Are hormone pellets right for me?
BHRT pellet implants are a great option for most people seeking to alleviate symptoms of hormone loss and imbalance, but it is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
So how does your provider know if you’re a good candidate for treatment and how many pellets you will need? Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C explains that each client’s treatment plan is custom-tailored to fit their individual needs and address symptoms. “When we have your consult, we will go over the symptoms that you are having to fine tune your treatment plan.”
The first step in determining if BHRT pellet therapy is right for you is to schedule an appointment at Elite MedSpa with Abri Johnson, FNP-C. “During the initial consult, we review past and pertinent lab work done within the last 6 months. We go through a variety of labs.” These labs typically include testosterone, estradiol, progesterone for the females, and DHEA for both males and females.
“We also look at complete blood count and liver numbers to be sure they are stable.” Most labs may be covered by your insurance if coded correctly, added Nurse Practitioner Johnson.
How many BHRT pellets will I need and how long do hormone therapy pellets last?
The goal is to relieve your symptoms with the lowest possible dose. The number of pellets you will need is dependent upon a number of factors. FNP Johnson explains that “it’s all dependent on patient symptoms and labs. It’s not necessarily that hormone levels are high or low because we do expect hormone levels to naturally decline with age.”
Males can expect to receive an average of around 10 pellets that can last up to 6 months. Nurse Practitioner Johnson explains that for males, “it is calculated based on weight and subjective symptoms you’re wishing to improve and which chronic medications you have on board. Some medications will actually cause you to eat up your testosterone a little quicker. We factor in alcohol consumption as well.”
Females can expect to have an average of 2 pellets inserted that last an average of 4 months and may be a combination of estradiol and testosterone. “For the females, I consider the weight, certain medications on board, and again, subjective symptoms and what they’re looking to accomplish,” added Nurse Practitioner Johnson.
It is important to note that each individual will respond to hormone therapy in their own unique way and may feel symptom relief at lower doses implanted at more frequent intervals. Some patients may also find that they need more frequent dosing based on how quickly their body utilizes or burns up the hormone pellets.
How much does hormone pellet therapy cost?
At Elite MedSpa, during your initial consultation with Nurse Practitioner Johnson, she will determine the number of pellets you will need based on your labs and symptoms. Pricing varies depending upon your individual treatment plan, but you can expect the following fees:
Consultation fee: $150
Females (average of 2 pellets needed):
- $12-$16 per pellet
- Insertion fee: $399 every 4 months
Males (average of 10 pellets needed):
- $28 per pellet
- Insertion fee: $849 every 6 months
Elite MedSpa does not accept medical insurance or FSA (flexible spending accounts), but does offer a monthly subscription program that can help you save on treatment services called Club Elite. Members of Club Elite can expect to save 10%-15% off services, including BHRT pellet implant therapy. To learn more about Club Elite, click here.
Current 4th Avenue Gym members are also eligible to save 10% on BHRT pellet implant services, according to Justin Haile, owner of 4th Avenue Gym in Yuma.
What should I expect during a BHRT pellet implant procedure and how are hormone pellets implanted?
BHRT pellets are placed into the fat pad above your hip via one small incision and implanted using a device called a trocar. Pellet insertion is generally not considered painful, but you may experience mild-moderate discomfort when your treatment provider injects you with a local anesthetic. Most people say discomfort is about a 4/10. “Really, the most uncomfortable part is the initial numbing superficially. You will feel a pinch and burn when the anesthetic is injected, then it numbs the area up really nicely. It really is not uncomfortable after that initial pinch.”
Hormone pellet therapy implants are minimally invasive and generally require about 10-20 minutes to complete. Here is what to expect from start to finish:
- Arrive to your appointment with clean skin
- Wear comfortable, loose bottoms that can be easily lowered during your pellet implant procedure
- Your treatment provider will begin by cleaning the implant area with iodine for a sterile procedure
- Your treatment provider will inject a local anesthetic into the treatment area. Nurse Practitioner Johnson uses a combination of lidocaine with epinephrine to reduce bleeding.
- After the treatment area has become numb, your treatment provider will use a scalpel to make one small incision in the fat pad above your lateral hip area. The number of incisions you need will depend on the number of pellets you will have implanted.
- A trocar will be used to insert the pellets into the small incision(s). The trocar creates a tract in your tissue beneath the surface of your skin where the pellets will remain and dissolve naturally over time.
- This process will be repeated until all pellets have been placed beneath your skin. The number of tracts required will depend on number of pellets needed. Females generally only need one pellet tract, whereas males may need up to seven tracts to accommodate their pellet regimen. Males have their pellets distributed in a fan-like pattern.
- Once all pellets have been placed, your treatment provider will apply pressure and then close the insertion sites with steri-strips and a semi-waterproof dressing
- Your treatment provider will go over the aftercare instructions with you
- You can drive yourself after the procedure and you may return to work if you feel up to it
Is there any downtime with BHRT pellet implants?
There is no downtime required for BHRT pellet implants, but you may want to modify your activities for up to one week as the implant site(s) heal. Some aftercare instructions may include:
- No immersion in water (baths, pools, etc.)
- No deep squats
- No cycling
This helps to decrease the risk of pellet extrusion (having the pellets come out of your skin). FNP Johnson suggests a low-key week after your pellets are implanted. “You wouldn’t want to schedule a vacation to a place like Disneyland right after getting the pellets where you may be going on rides or having the area bumped a lot.”
When can I expect to see hormone pellet therapy results?
Nurse Practitioner Johnson says that most patients can expect to see symptom relief about one-week post-insertion and further explains that you may need to continue taking your oral, cream-based, or intramuscular hormone supplements until your pellet kicks in.
“The pellets do take about a week to kick in. Say you were on oral estrogen (for females) and we insert testosterone and estradiol pellets. You will keep the oral estrogen on board for about a week post-insertion until your estradiol pellet kicks in and you will then stop the oral estrogen.”

Are there any risks?
The possible side effects of BHRT pellet implants:
Side effects can occur, especially if this is your first time receiving hormone therapy.
This happens because your body is not accustomed to the new level of hormones. Side effects may improve as your body adjusts to your new level of hormones over time. Hormone pellets are not able to be removed once they are implanted. If side effects become bothersome, Nurse Practitioner Johnson points out that “there is usually something that I can do to help improve any side effects”, including additional medications and future dose adjustments.
She further adds that patient satisfaction is the most common side effect. “Usually, I would say 85% of the time, the patients are just like, ‘wow, I feel amazing’, so I just see really great results overall.”
As with any treatment or procedure, there are risks and side effects that may occur. It is important to speak to your provider about these risks and be sure that all of your questions and concerns are addressed prior to moving forward.
Here are the most common risks and side effects of BHRT pellet implants:
- Inadequate relief of symptoms
- Localized tenderness at implant site for 2-7 days post-insertion
- Vaginal spotting (females)
- Water retention
- Estrogen excess (males)
- Infection at insertion site
- Extrusion of pellets
- Bleeding, bruising, and swelling at insertion site

Ready to feel your best?
How to get started with hormone pellet implants in Yuma, AZ
Hormone pellet implants are a great option if you want a convenient, natural way to approach optimal hormone balance to look and feel your best.
Elite Medspa is currently offering BHRT pellet implant services with provider Abri Johnson, MSN, FNP-C.
To schedule your initial consultation with Abri Johnson, FNP-C please call: 928-341-4700. You can also visit Elite Medspa website to learn more.